Vegetable Casserole Recipe

Vegetable Casserole Recipes

Ingredients :

100 g

500 g





100 g

100 g

30 ml

15 ml

850 ml

50 g

cooked whole lentils

potatoes, sliced

medium sized carrots, sliced

large parsnip, thinly sliced

large onions, sliced

medium sized leeks, sliced

sweet corn

mushrooms, sliced

chopped parsley

chopped mint

hot white or vegetable stock

cheddar cheese, grated

grated rind 1 orange

salt and ground black pepper

Method :
  1. Heat the oven to 170oC (325oF), Gas 3.

  2. Grease a 2 liter casserole and arrange well the prepared vegetables in layers, seasoning each layer with salt, pepper and herbs, finishing with a layer of overlapping slices of potato and parsnip.

  3. Mix the orange rind into the hot stock, pour over the vegetables and cover the casserole with foil, then with the lid.

  4. Stand on a baking tray and bake for 21/2 hours, or until all the vegetables are tender.

  5. Remove the lid and foil, sprinkle the cheese over the top and cook under a hot grill until it bubbles and browns.

  6. Serve hot.

Serves 4

Per Serving : 5 g fat, 10 g fiber.

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