Layered Cake Recipe

Layered Cake Recipes

Ingredients :

1) -

21 ounces cake wheat flour

1 cup warm water (60-70F)

2 tsp yeast

1 tbsp sugar

2) -

1/2 cup chopped pork fat

1/3 cup sugar

4 tbsp green and red marinated papaya shreds (Mix well. Divide to six parts. Store in refrigerator for 1 day)

3) -

3 tbsp melted lard

1 brush

Method :

1. Make leavened dough according to instructions for Mantou.

2. Roll the dough into a large, thin piece. Brush some lard on this. Spread one part of ingredient (2) in the center of the piece. The mix should cover 1/3 of the piece. Fold 1/3 of the piece to the middle. Brush some lard on this. Spread one part of ingredient (2) on top of the folded piece. Fold the remaining one third up to make an 8-inch wide piece.

3. Press this flat (slightly). Repeat above step. You will have 9 layers. Spread remained ingredient (2) and some raisins on top. Let stand for 20 minutes. Steam over high heat for 25 minutes. Serve.

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