Cooking Tips for Buying and Storing Meat

Cooking Tips for Buying and Storing Meat

Ageing (the hanging of carcasses) tenderizes beef and lamb and gives it a good flavor. Flesh that has a dark red color indicates that the carcass has been well hung.

When you buy beef, the lean of the meat should be bright to dark red with the fat a creamy white. Small flecks of fat should be visible throughout the lean meat. A bright red color often indicates that the meat is very fresh and unhung or not hung long enough for the flavor to develop properly. Pork and veal are not aged and have a much paler appearance.

Store pre-packed meat in its film-covered plastic tray on a plate in the refrigerator. Any meat that is not pre-packed should be wrapped in foil or greaseproof paper and then refrigerated. Chops deteriorate faster than joints of meat.

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