Raised Pork Pie Cooking Recipe

Raised Pork Pie Cooking Recipes

Ingredients :


5 fl oz milk

2 oz lard

8 oz plain flour

salt and pepper

beaten egg, to glaze


1.5 lb sausage meat

8 oz streaky bacon, rinded and chopped

1 onion, chopped

2 tsp dried mixed herbs

Method :
  1. Heat the milk and lard in a pan until the lard melts.
  2. Bring to the boil, mix the flour and 1/2 tsp salt in a bowl and make a well in the centre.
  3. Pour in the hot liquid and beat with a wooden spoon, then knead for a few seconds to form a silky dough.
  4. Cover with Clingfilm and leave to rest for 10 minutes, do not allow it to cool.
  5. Preheat the oven to 220C / Gas Mark 4, grease a 2 lb loaf tin.
  6. To make the filling, mix together the sausage meat, bacon, onion, mixed herbs and salt and pepper.
  7. Roll out the pastry and use to line the loaf tin, reserving enough pastry to make a lid.
  8. Spoon the filling into the tin, cover with the remaining pastry.
  9. Brush with beaten egg, decorate with the pastry trimmings.
  10. Bake for about 60 minutes, until cooked through.
  11. Turn out of the tin and serve hot or cold.

Serves 4-6

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