All Year Round Salad Recipe

All Year Round Salad Recipes

Ingredients :



2 tablespoons


100 g

100 g



75 g

275 ml

1 tablespoon

1 tablespoon


dessert apples, peeled, cored and thinly sliced

dessert pear, peeled, cored and thinly sliced

lemon juice

oranges, segmented

black grapes, seeded

white grapes, seeded





lemon juice

sweet sherry

bay leaf

Method :
  1. Bring the syrup ingredients slowly to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar.

  2. Simmer for 3-4 minutes then cool.

  3. Discard the bay leaf.

  4. As you slice the apples and pears, drop them into a small bowl of water acidulated with the lemon juice.

  5. This will prevent them from discoloring.

  6. Drain the apples and pears and toss them with the oranges and grapes.

  7. Pour on the cooled syrup and toss carefully to avoid breaking the fruit.

  8. Cover and chill.

  9. Just before serving, stir in the banana.

Serves 6

When black or red cherries are available, they can colorfully replace the green grapes. Always stone them first - a small hand tool, a special cherry stoner, is the least messy way to do it, and leaves the fruit intact.

If you wish to avoid added sugar, bring 275 ml cloudy unsweetened apple juice to the boil with a bay leaf and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Cool and discard the herb.

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