French Bean and Orange Salad Recipe

French Bean and Orange Salad Recipes

Ingredients :

450 g


4 tablespoons





1 tablespoon

1 teaspoon

1/2 teaspoon

2 tablespoons

2 tablespoons

green beans, topped and tailed

oranges, skinned, seeded and very thinly sliced into rings

seedless raisins

onions, sliced into rings

box salad cress, to garnish



vegetable oil

coriander seeds, lightly crushed

ground coriander

orange juice

chopped coriander leaves, or flat leafed parsley

Method :
  1. Mix the dressing.

  2. Cook the beans in boiling, salted water until they are just tender.

  3. Drain, plunge into cold water, drain and dry thoroughly on crumpled kitchen paper.

  4. Arrange the orange slices in overlapping rings on a plate and scatter with the raisins.

  5. Gather the beans into bunches of about 6 or 7 and push them through an onion ring to hold them neatly - like a napkin rings.

  6. Scatter the remaining onion rings over the oranges.

  7. Arrange the 'bean sticks' on the oranges and garnish with tiny bunches of salad cress.

  8. Sprinkle the dressing over the salad just before serving.

Serves 4

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