X. O. Shrimps With Orange Recipe

X. O. Shrimps With Orange Recipes

Ingredients :

600 g fresh shrimps

1 tbsp X. O. brandy

1 orange

a few Chinese cabbage leaves

Chinese parsley

Sauce :

boiling oil

light soy sauce (or Worcester sauce)

Seasoning :

1/2 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp salt

pinch of pepper

Method :
  1. Extract 1 tbsp of juice from orange.
  2. Slice the orange and grate some zest into puree.
  3. Wash spring onion.
  4. Remove heads and set aside.
  5. Trim off the antennae of shrimps and remove intestines.
  6. Wash and drain.
  7. Mix with orange juice, orange zest puree, seasoning and brandy.
  8. Put steamer into a pot.
  9. Line Chinese cabbage leaves on bottom of steamer.
  10. Arrange shrimps on top.
  11. Steam over high heat for 8 minutes.
  12. Remove.
  13. Add orange slices and Chinese parsley.
  14. Serve with sauce.

Serves 4

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