Chilled Lemon Soup Recipe

Chilled Lemon Soup Recipes

Ingredients :

850 ml

275 ml

50 g


2 tablespoons


chicken stock

dry cider

brown short grain rice

eggs, separated

snipped chives

thin slices lemon, to garnish

salt and pepper

Method :
  1. Simmer the stock, cider and rice in a covered pan with salt, pepper and the lemon rind for 40 minutes.

  2. Liquidize in a blender and return to the pan.

  3. Mix the lemon juice and egg yolks, beat in a little of the soup and return to the pan.

  4. Simmer gently so that the mixture won't curdle.

  5. Cool, skim any fat from the surface - mop up the last remnants with absorbent kitchen paper - and chill.

  6. Whisk the egg whites and float, like snowy islands, on top.

  7. Scatter on the chives and garnish each chilled bowl with a slice of lemon.

Serve with melba toast.

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