Green Spaghetti Chicken Recipe

Green Spaghetti Chicken Recipes

Ingredients :

350 g

15 ml



225 g

15 ml

60 ml



Garnish :

30 ml

whole meal spaghetti

vegetable oil

medium sized onion, finely chopped

medium sized courgettes, thinly sliced

cooked chicken, diced

chopped tarragon

dry white wine or dry cider

ground black pepper



chopped parsley

Method :
  1. Cook the spaghetti in a large pan of boiling, salted water for 12-13 minutes, or according to the directions on the packet, until just tender.

  2. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion and courgettes over moderate heat, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.

  3. Add the chicken, tarragon and wine or cider and cook quickly until the liquid has evaporated.

  4. When the spaghetti is cooked, drain thoroughly and return to the rinsed pan.

  5. Add the chicken and vegetable mixture, season with salt and pepper and toss well.

  6. Turn at once into a heated serving dish and garnish with the parsley.

Alternative Suggestions :

This is also a good way of stretching a little left over turkey or white fish.

Serves 4

Per Serving : 380 calories, 8 g fat, 9 g fiber.

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