Chicken Meat Sausages Stuffed With Dace Recipe

Chicken Meat Sausages Stuffed With Dace Recipes

Ingredients :

10 chicken sausages

113 g dace fillet

sliced carrot

sliced green cucumber

Seasoning :

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp oil

1/4 tsp sugar

1 tsp caltrop starch

pinch of pepper

Sauce :

boiling oil

light soy sauce

Method :
  1. Wash, wipe dry and minced fish.
  2. Mix with seasoning.
  3. Stir in one direction until it gets sticky.
  4. Rinse and wipe dry chicken sausages.
  5. Score sausages with several slashes and stuff with fish.
  6. Arrange cucumber, carrot and chicken sausages on serving plate.
  7. Steam over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  8. Drain liquid from steaming chicken sausages.
  9. Add sauce, serve.

Serves 4

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