Steamed Grey Mullet With Orange and Lemon Juice Recipe

Steamed Grey Mullet With Orange and Lemon Juice Recipes

Ingredients :

1 orange

2 lemons

1 grey mullet (about 375 g)

1 1/2 tsp grated garlic

1 plant of Chinese parsley

red chili shreds

ginger shreds

Sauce :

boiling oil

light soy sauce

Marinade :

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp sugar

1 tsp caltrop starch

1 tsp oil

Method :
  1. Slice orange and lemons, extract the juice.
  2. Wash Chinese parsley and separate into florets.
  3. Gut, wash and wipe dry fish.
  4. Brush with marinade thoroughly.
  5. Arrange sliced orange and lemon on two sides of the plate.
  6. Place fish in the center.
  7. Sprinkle with grated garlic, red chili, shreds and ginger shreds.
  8. Bring 1/2 pot of water to the boil.
  9. Steam fish over high heat for 8 minutes.
  10. Remove and quickly drain liquid from steaming fish.
  11. Pour orange and lemon juice over fish.
  12. Steam for 30 seconds.
  13. Sprinkle with Chinese parsley, add sauce and ready to serve.

Serves 4

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