Rich White Sauce with Onions and Mushrooms Recipe

Rich White Sauce with Onions and Mushrooms (sauce poulette) Recipes

Ingredients :

10 small onions chopped onion

4 oz mushrooms

1.5 oz butter

3/4 pint basic white sauce made with chicken stock

2 egg yolks

4 fl oz cream

4 fl oz white wine

salt, pepper, lemon juice

Method :

Simmer the onions in boiling water for 5 minutes. Slice and gently stew the mushrooms in one-third of the butter until soft. Make a basic white sauce with chicken stock. Beat the egg yolks and cream together and add slowly to the sauce. Return to the heat and carefully stir in the wine. Drain the onions. Add the onions and mushrooms and simmer for 5 minutes. Adjust the seasoning with a few drops of lemon juice, salt and pepper. Away from the heat, stir in the remaining butter. Serve with boiled poultry, such as poule béarnaise, or boiled fish.

Serves 4

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