Terik Daging Recipe

Terik Daging Recipes

Ingredients :

600g beef (chuck or topside), cubed

1/2 cup thick santan (coconut milk) and 1.5 cups thin santan from 1 coconut

2 daun limau purut (kaffir lime leaves)

4 tbsp oil

4 tbsp toasted peanuts, pounded

Spices, ground :

10 shallots

5 pips garlic

5 red chilies

1 cm kunyit (saffron)

1/2 cm lengkuas (galangal)

1 serai (lemongrass)

1/2 tbsp coriander powder

1/2 tsp pepper

5 buah keras (candlenuts)

1 tbsp gula melaka (brown sugar) or white sugar

1 tsp salt or to taste

Method :

Heat oil in wok and saute ground spices till aromatic. Add beef and daun limau purut, and fry till beef loses its pink color. Add thin santan and bring to boil. Lower heat and leave to simmer till the beef is tender. Add thick santan, pounded peanuts, gula melaka and salt to taste. When gravy is thick, remove from heat. Serve with rice or bread.

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