French Recipes

French Recipe

Good Authentic French country cooking does not require elaborate presentation and exotic combinations of flavors. It is based on recipes handed down within families and among neighbors; meals prepared at home for family and friends, prepared with care from the best and freshest local produce available, following the principle encapsulated in Escoffier's maxim, Faites simple - keep it simple. In other words, if you choose fresh, well-flavored ingredients and prepare them carefully without unnecessary fuss, using the right utensils, anybody can produce delicious, authentic French dishes

More French Recipes

French Hors D'Oeuvres and Egg Dishes Recipes

  1. Anchovy Paste (Anchoiade)

  2. Olives, Anchovy and Caper Paste (Tapenade)

  3. Cheese and Herb Souffle (Souffle Au Fromage Et Aux Herbes)

  4. Cheese Choux Puffs (Gougeres)

  5. Fresh Herb Omelette (Omelette Aux Fines Herbes)

  6. Baked Eggs with Prawns and Fresh Dill (Oeufs En Cocotte Aux Crevettes)

  7. Eggs with pepper and Tomatoes (Piperade)

  8. Fresh Prawns Tart (Tarte Aux Langoustines)

  9. Fresh Tomato and Basil Tart (Tarte A La Tomate Et Au Basilic)

  10. Onion Tart (Tarte A L' Oignon)

  11. Leeks in French Dressing (Poireaux Vinaigrette)

  12. Grilled Goat's Cheese (Crottins De Chevre)

  13. Omelette Provencale

French Vegetables and Salads Recipes

  1. Curly Endive with Orange and Croutons (Chicoree Frisee Au Orange Et Aux Croutons)

  2. Vegetable Ragout (Ratatouille)

  3. Flageolet Bean Salad (Salade De Flageolets)

  4. Mixed Leaf Salad (Salade Melangee)

  5. Red Pepper and Fennel Salad (Salade De Piments Et Fenouils)

  6. Mussel Salad (Salade De Moules)

  7. Warm Salad with Bacon (Salade Tiede Aux Lardons)

  8. Warm Seafood Salad (Salade Aux Fruits De Mer Chaude)

French Shellfish Recipes

  1. Crab Souffle (Souffle Au Crabe)

  2. Gratin of Prawns (Gratin De Crevettes)

  3. Grilled Prawns with Garlic Butter (Langoustine Au Beurre D' Ail)

  4. Scrambled Eggs with Prawns (Oeufs Brouilles Aux Langoustines)

  5. Mussels in Cider (Moules Au Cidre)

  6. Mussels with Garlic and Breadcrumbs (Moules Au Gratin)

  7. Steamed Scallops with Cream and Tarragon Sauce (Coquilles St Jaceuqe A L'Estragon)

  8. Squid with Tomatoes and Cognac (Calmars Aux Tomates Et Au Cognac)

French Fish Recipes #Ads - Get the above cooking ingredients here at discounted price

  1. Cod with Tomatoes (Cabillaud Aux Tomates)

  2. Dordogne - Style Fried Fish (Friture)

  3. Baked Red Mullet with Basil (Rougets Au Basilic)

  4. Monkfish in Fennel (Lotte De Mer Au Fenouil)

  5. Salmon Steaks with Fennel Butter (Saumon Au Beurre De Fenouil)

  6. Salmon with Leek (Saumon Aux Poireaux)

  7. Sardines with Spinach (Sardines Aux Epinards)

  8. Sea Bream with Red Pepper Sauce (Daurade A La Sauce De Poivron Rouge)

  9. Skate with Black Butter (Raie Au Beurre Noir)

  10. Trout and Mushroom Parcels (Truites Aux Chanterelles En Papillotes)

  11. Casserole of Sole and Mussels (Marmite De Sole Et De Moules)

  12. Paupiettes of Sole with Scallops and Vermouth (Paupiettes De Sole Au Vermouth)

  13. Sole with Pawpaw (Sole Au Papaye)

  14. Tuna with Tomato Sauce (Thon A La Sauce Tomate)

  15. Whiting with Vegetables (Merlans Aux Legumes)

French Pates and Terrines Recipes

  1. Chicken, Duck or Turkey Liver Pate (Pate De Foie De Volaille)

  2. Chicken Terrine with Lemon and Watercress (Terrine De Poulet Au Citron)

  3. Country Style Pate (Pate De Campagne)

  4. Fish Terrine (Terrine De Poisson)

  5. Hare or Rabbit Terrine (Terrine De Lievre Ou De Lapin)

  6. Pork and Veal Terrine (Terrine De Porc Et De Veau)

  7. Vegetable Terrine (Terrine De Legumes)

French Poultry and Game Recipes

  1. Chicken with Olives and Tomatoes (Poulet Aux Olives)

  2. Marinated Grilled Chicken (Grillade De Poulet)


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